Iridescence Print is the first large-scale architectural installation by Gramazio Kohler Research automatically 3d printed using robotic machines in 2015. GKR (Gramazio Kohler Research) is a research group founded by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler. GKR examines the changes in architectural production requirements that result from introducing digital manufacturing techniques. They combine data and material and the resulting implications it has on the architectural design.
Iridescence Print is the first large-scale architectural installation to be automatically printed by robotic machines. Conceived as a spatially complex lightweight structure, the installation synthesizes a rigorous exploration of the architectural potentials of robotic extrusion of spatial meshes at full architectural scale.
The multi-coloured installation was developed during the elective thesis “Extruded Structures” and is exclusively presented at the exhibition „L’usage des formes – Artisans d’art et artistes“ at the Palais de Tokyo, kindly supported by the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller.
Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
In cooperation with : Studio Robert Stadler
Client : Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Type : Installation
Collaborators : Andreas Thoma (project lead), Luka Piškorec, Augusto Gandia, Norman Hack, David Jenny, Petrus Aejmelaeus Lindström, Ammar Mirjan, Stefana Parascho, James Yeo
Students : Anna Szabo, Bo Cheng, Thijs van der Lely, Anne Cécile, Carfantan, Lex te Loo, Emma Flores Herrera, Nicolas Ganz, Pascal Ruckstuhl, Chen Ken, Altair Cerda Tirado
Sponsors : Fondation Bettencourt Schueller

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