Topic: Reactive Miniverse
Time: June 25 – August 13, 2022
Location: ZOOM hosted by PA
Format: Online
Duration: 6 +1 Sessions
Total Hours: 28 Hours
Workshop Type: Project-based online studio workshop
Registration Deadline: June 25, 2022
Total Seats: 30 Seats
Seats Available: 18 Seats
Early Registration: 340 EUR (15% discount for the first 10 seats) (Closed)
General Registration: 400 EUR
Recordings on-demand: 500 EUR
Organized By: PAACADEMY
Studio: Studio Friedenberg – Machmouchi
Tutor: Andrew Friedenberg + Hamze Machmouchi
Reactive Miniverse:
The Reactive Miniverse studio questions the future of digital spaces as spatial, cultural, entertaining, and educational experiences. We will be generating complex architectural geometries and implementing and exploring them within game engines to create interactive and kinetic environments. This playful process aims to develop design and software skills, notably in Unreal Engine 5, Rhino3D, and Grasshopper.
What is Metaverse?
Metaverse is an online virtual world that incorporates augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D holographic avatars, video, and other forms of communication. Users in the metaverse “live” in a digital realm, engaging with one another using avatars and virtual reality technologies. This technology enables people to live parallel lives by adopting unique digitalized avatars. Read more about the Metaverse in our article “Metaverse, The Upcoming Realm of Architects.”

The Scope of The Studio:
Students will explore the design of different typologies of digital space by creating unique assets for implementation in Unreal Engine using Rhinoceros 7 and Grasshopper. Specifically, we will look at SubD modeling in Rhino 7, cover Grasshopper fundamentals, and make more complex geometries using additional plugins like Kangaroo for form-finding and Dendro for more organic geometries.
Because of its prominence in recent years with games like Fortnite and use in the film industry, Unreal Engine will serve as the “Miniverse” platform. The fusion of architecture and design with this open-world software was inevitable, and it has gone well beyond visualization. It may be used as a design tool with many stakeholders and a tool for client discussions and an experience environment.

Week 1 (June 25):
Studio Intro – 30min
Lecture – Architects and game engines – 30min
Geometry Tutorial – 1hr
Unreal Tutorial – 1hr
Assignment (Environment creation) – 30min
Week 2 (July 2):
Guest Lecture – 1hr
Geometry Tutorial – 1hr
Unreal Tutorial – 1.5hr
Assignment (Geometry exploration) – 30min
Students will have to develop the first iteration of their assets.
Week 3 (July 9):
Tutorial/Lecture – 3hr
Review – 1hr
Week 4 (July 23):
Tutorial/Lecture – 2hr
Review – 2hr
Week 5 (July 30):
Tutorial/Lecture – 2hr
Review – 2hr
Week 6 (August 6):
Tutorial/Lecture – 2hr
Review – 2hr
Week 7 (August 27): Final Presentation (special guests might join as a jury) (Flexible to be changed)

- Rhinoceros 7.0. The 90-day trial version can download from the website.
- Grasshopper 3D: For Rhino 6 and 7 are embedded. For Rhino 5 and below, you need to download them separately.
- Unreal Engine + Blueprints (UX/UI – Unreal Widget UMG)
- Blender (for additional modeling)
Important Notes:
- The Reactive Miniverse studio workshop by PAACADEMY will start on Saturday, June 25, at 17:00 London Time (GMT+1).
- Total sessions: 5 (teaching sessions) + 1 (final presentation)
- Daily Schedule: 17:00 – 21:00 London Time (GMT+1).
- The entire studio will be recorded, and videos will be available for participants just a day after the class for unlimited time.
- PAACADEMY will provide a certificate of attendance only for students who deliver a final project.
- We accept payments in crypto. Please email us for the details: [email protected].
- The studio has limited seats. Tickets are non-transferable & non-refundable. Please read before you purchase.
Andrew Friedenberg
Andrew Friedenberg is an American architect and computational designer at Heatherwick Studio. He received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from the Architectural Association (AADRL) and has worked on projects ranging from material research to urban design. His passion was combining emerging technology like gaming engines with experiential and spatial design. He worked as a computational designer at Behnisch Architekten, Logitech, and THEVERYMANY.
Hamze Machmouchi
Hamze Machmouchi is an architectural designer and researcher at Zaha Hadid Architects who graduated from the Architectural Association’s Design Research Lab (AADRL). He previously earned a Bachelor of Architecture Magna Cum Laude from Boston Architectural College in the United States. During his time at the Architectural Association, he created a metaverse in which various real-life stakeholders may use assets that can be traded in a marketplace to form a whole neighborhood. From fabrication-aware design to fun configurators, he’s interested in research and transdisciplinary practice potential. He currently works at Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and teaches at the Boston Architectural College.
PATalks 50
Watch the conversation with Andrew and Hamza where they talk about the “Reactive Miniverse” and what will happen during the workshop.
Topic: Reactive Miniverse
Time: June 25 – August 13, 2022
Location: ZOOM hosted by PA
Format: Online
Duration: 6 + 1 Sessions
Total Hours: 28 Hours
Workshop Type: Project-based online studio workshop
Registration Deadline: June 24, 2022
Total Seats: 30 Seats
Seats Available: 18 Seats
Early Registration:340 EUR (15% discount for the first 10 seats) (Closed)
General Registration: 400 EUR
Recordings on-demand: 500 EUR
Organized By: PAACADEMY
Studio: Studio Friedenberg – Machmouchi
Tutor: Andrew Friedenberg + Hamze Machmouchi
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