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Gramazio Kohler Research

3D-printed panels by Gramazio Kohler Research merging acoustics with aesthetics

The Acoustic Diffuser Panel System project, developed in collaboration with research and development partners Rocket Science AG, Strauss Elektroakustik GmbH, and fabrication partner Aectual, focused on designing acoustically performative wall panels with spatial and sound-aesthetic properties while considering the fabrication process.

Iridescence Print by Gramazio Kohler Research

Iridescence Print is the first large-scale architectural installation by Gramazio Kohler Research automatically 3d printed using robotic machines in 2015. GKR (Gramazio Kohler Research) is a research group founded by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler. GKR examines the changes in architectural production requirements that result from introducing digital manufacturing techniques. They combine data and material and the resulting implications it has on the architectural design.

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