Home podcasts PA Sense 07 – Peter Eisenman

PA Sense 07 – Peter Eisenman

PA Sense 07 - Peter Eisenman

PA Sense 07 – Peter Eisenman

PA Sense 07 - Peter Eisenman

A great privilege was attained to the highly recognized architectural platform on Instagram, ParametricArchitecture; the founder, Hamid Hassanzadeh interviewed one of New York Five; Peter Eisenman, architect, educator, and founder of Eisenman Architects.


Peter Eisenman has been one of architecture’s foremost theorists of recent decades, but also has an apathy for current trends that architects engage in. He is an internationally acknowledged architect and educator whose award-winning large-scale housing and urban design projects, innovative facilities for educational institutions, and series of inventive private houses attest to a career of excellence in design. Eisenman has built little, despite his symbolic influence to the field. The most ground-breaking works include: House VI, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the City of Culture of Galicia and the Wexner Center for the Arts.

In this interview, Eisenman shared with us the two ways to think about architecture, discussed why he is interested in conceptuality, his inspirations in building the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, what he teaches to his students and what they are interested in. Lastly, he gave advices of not copying current trends and how to learn architecture and transform those findings into meaningful projects.

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Written by
Hamid Hassanzadeh

Hamid Hassanzadeh is an architect, entrepreneur, computational researcher, speaker, and founder of ParametricArchitecture. He completed architectural education in Iran in 2012 and started the ParametricArchitecture platform in 2016. Being a host at the PA Talks, he has interviewed world-renowned architects, designers, artists, and engineers about their works, methodologies, and their visions for the future. By working at the PAACADEMY, an educational platform powered by PA, Hamid has conducted dozens of workshops, conferences, and events during the past several years.

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