Home Books eVolo Skyscrapers 2: 150 New Projects Redefine Building High

eVolo Skyscrapers 2: 150 New Projects Redefine Building High

eVolo Skyscrapers 2: 150 New Projects Redefine Building High

eVolo Skyscrapers 2: 150 New Projects Redefine Building High by Carlo Aiello is the follow-up to the highly acclaimed book eVolo Skyscrapers. 150 new skyscrapers submitted to the eVolo Skyscraper Competition are categorized and examined.


These super-tall structures take into consideration the advances in technology, the exploration of sustainable systems, and the establishment of new urban and architectural methods to solve economic, social, and cultural problems of the contemporary city; including the scarcity of natural resources and infrastructure and the exponential increase of inhabitants, pollution, economic division, and unplanned urban sprawl.

About the Author

Carlo Aiello graduated from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University in New York City. He established eVolo Press in New York City for which he is Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director. In 2013 Carlo Aiello founded Los Angeles-based studio Carlo Aiello Design, an atelier that focuses on innovative contemporary industrial design. In the same year, Mr. Aiello received the highest industrial design honor, the GOOD DESIGN Award by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. In the same year, he received the prestigious International Contemporary Furniture Fair Studio Award (ICFF). His designs are part of the permanent collection of The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The Museum of Craft and Design in San Francisco. Carlo Aiello has been a Juror at the World Architecture Festival, AIA Miami, AIA Los Angeles, and Krob Competition.



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