The proposal named ?oarvemátta was created by Snøhetta, 70°N Arkitektur, Econor, and Joar Nango for the Sámi National Theater, Sámi High School, and Reindeer Husbandry School.
The project aims to create a space that fosters collaboration between the building and its users, the theater and the school, and architecture and landscape. The vision behind the project is to interpret Sámi architecture by drawing inspiration from crafts, materials, and nature.
The project’s objective is to interpret Sámi architecture by drawing inspiration from crafts, materials, and nature. Primarily, the purpose is to create a platform for showcasing and highlighting the practices and activities that connect the building and the landscape, traditional knowledge with contemporary life and learning. The building’s materiality and curved lines are designed to blend with the surrounding landscape, avoiding sharp angles that break the vast horizontality of the open mountain plateau in its environment.
The shape of the building is based on the innermost joint of the reindeer horn. This particular part of the horn represents different qualities and strengths, as well as uniting two elements. The vestibule is the central point of the building and will serve as a natural gathering place for activities such as duodji, cooking, and theater performances.
The building extends in three different directions from the vestibule, like the joint of the horn. The design of the building allows it to adapt both visually and functionally to the landscape while providing a wide range of facilities.
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