The workshop will be focused on Blender 2.80, last release of the powerful open-source software for 3D modelling and animation. In particular, the add-on Tissue will have a key role in order to explore advanced modelling techniques and their aesthetic qualities.
Time : October 04, 2019 to October 08, 2019
Country : Jordan
City/Town : Amman
Location : German Jordanian University
Website :
Workshop Name : Fabrics | Digital Tissues
Workshop Type : Generative Design using Blender 3D
Tutor : Alessandro Zomparelli
Registration Fee : 300 JOD – GBP
Organized By : NODES (in a collaboration with DesignKultur, SABE, Amman Design Week)
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In Biology, tissues are organizations of similar cells that are composed of organs and living organisms. Due to the specific qualities of singles cells, some peculiar functions of the tissue emerge; conditioning its effectiveness and determining its’ contribution to the life of the organism. The same biological principles can be applied to any design: when the designer explores these particular parametric strategies, it is important to work with a tool that provides efficient feedback and allows one to easily introduce a wide range of variations leading to significant qualities for a design evolutionary process.
The workshop will be focused on Blender 2.80, last release of the powerfull open-source software for 3D modelling and animation. In particular, the add-on Tissue will have a key role in order to explore advanced modelling techniques and their aesthetic qualities Tissue is an open-source add-on for Blender developed by Alessandro Zomparelli in order to extend the opportunities of fashion designers, architects and medical engineers thanks to a series of dedicated tools for patterns generation:
Download link:
Workshop hours:
Time: October 04, 2019 to October 08, 2019
Country : Jordan
City/Town : Amman
Location: German Jordanian University
Website :
Workshop Name : Fabrics | Digital Tissues
Workshop Type : Generative Design using Blender 3D
Tutor : Alessandro Zomparelli
Registration Fee : 300 JOD – GBP
Organized By : NODES (in a collaboration with DesignKultur, SABE, Amman Design Week)
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