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PA Talks 40 – Mahdi Kamboozia (CAAT Studio)

On this episode of PA Talks, we talked with Mahdi Kamboozia, awarded Iranian Architect and founder of the Tehran-based practice CAAT Studio. Hosted by Hamid Hassanzadeh, founder and creative director of PA, the conversation focused on Mahdi’s personal experiences, architecture career, Iranian Architecture, design challenges, Tehran as a Metropol city, and his visions for the future.

Qorveh House by ReNa Design

ReNa Design’s Qorveh House with Rhythmic Brick Facade in Iran Tehran based practice, ReNa Design has completed Qorveh House in the City of Qorveh in

Habibeh Madjdabadi

PA Talks 04 – Habibeh Madjdabadi

Tune in to Episode 04 of the PA Talks series with Habibeh Madjdabadi, an Iranian Architect, Author, Designer, and Speaker on ‘Approximation in Architecture’, interviewed by Hamid Hassanzadeh.

PA Interviews: Reza Daneshmir

The featured Architect Reza Daneshmir of Fluid Motion Architects is an academician, writer, and a speaker for various talks. Born in 1965, Daneshmir actively pursued

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