Valencia has started the RIP (Requiem in Power) project as part of its Valencia 2030 Climate Mission. This first phase of RIP involves installing solar panels on Grau, Campanar, and Benimamet cemeteries. According to Independent UK, the project aims to produce more than 440,000 kilowatts per year and save over 140 tons of carbon dioxide annually.
According to Alejandro Ramon, cities must promote this model because “cities are the largest consumers of energy, and therefore, they must also have the responsibility of being large producers of energy.”
In addition to this project, Valencia City Council is about to complete the installation of solar-powered smart sidewalks in Benimaclet, Benimàmet, and Patraix. These sidewalks will work as solar charging stations for mobile vehicles, allowing the charging of four scooters and three electric bicycles.
The European Commission’s selection of the City of Valencia as the European Green Capital for 2024 has made a great contribution to the city’s green projects. Valencia was awarded €600,000 to support the city in implementing projects to improve its environmental sustainability as part of the 2024 European Green Capital.
Furthermore, Valencia has introduced four tree-shaped solar panel poles. The panels aim to charge small electric vehicles, bicycles, and other electronic devices. The Valencia City Council invested €370,000 to install them. Each “tree” will produce between 1,550 kWh and 5,600 kWh of electricity annually. Thus, the four photovoltaic trees’ annual electricity production is expected to be 18,596 kWh.
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