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The Shell-Art Object at ArchMoscow Expo by Geometrix Design

The Shell-Art Object is made especially for the ArchMoscow expo by the makers of Invisiline (Red Dot winners invisible slot diffusers)
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The Shell-Art Object

The Shell-Art Object

The Shell-Art Object is made especially for the ArchMoscow expo by Geometrix Design, the makers of Invisiline (Red Dot winners invisible slot diffusers). The structure, made up of 99 volume pieces and 4500 metallic parts, combines architecture, product design, and art in its concept. It provides architectural solutions for diagrid shell constructions, with cutting-edge contemporary product design technology utilized in Invisiline slot production.

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The Shell-Art Object

It is all about manipulating air and making it visible. Elen and Michael Miroshkin, the designers of the shell-art object, are physically compensating for the minimalism of their product by sculpting the air with art. The air is omnipresent and the Shell is the architecture of the air. In a similar manner to the iconic diagrid towers of the nineteenth century, it does not dominate but instead shapes transparency.

The Shell-Art Object

Designers were inspired not just by aesthetics, but also by the quality of materials and brand positioning of their products to build the shell-art object. At ArchMoscow they set out to achieve something extraordinary. To develop an installation that would serve as not only a piece but also the entire structure of their Invisiline stand. The product’s minimalism is contrasted by the complicated parametric base.99 elements and 4500 metallic parts have been united into a unique parametric construction.

The Shell-Art Object
The Shell-Art Object

Project Details:

Architecture: Geometrix Design / Miroshkin Michael, Miroshkina Helen
Parametric modeling and CNC documents: Alfiya Shakuryanova
Photographer: Daniel Annenkov

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